Key Stage Five
Biodiversity can link in with the Key Stage Four curriculum for science, French and geography. Some examples of how implementation of our projects could link to teaching are outlined below.
Biodiversity is a dedicated topic at A Level. Undertaking projects to enhance your school site for biodiversity links directly to many of the topics covered at A Level. For example:
looking at case studies and the importance of Biodiversity to maintaining the health of the planet.
What the consequences for humans would be if the climate continues to change and how the planet will begin to change.
How species ranges are changing/declining, loss of species, wildlife/human conflict.
Understanding that Biodiversity is a complex interplay between species richness and species evenness and that if one species dominates (like humans or livestock do) what the negative effects can be.
Practical and theoretical examples of how biodiversity can be improved.
At A Level, students learn about the environment under the topic of 'looking at the industries and policies that harm or help the environment'.
Creating a biodiverse school environment helps inspire students to be able to discuss the biggest problems for the planet, the future of our planet, what we can do to save the planet. Even in another language!
Subjects studied at A Level include:
Water and the Carbon Cycle - Amazon Rainforest Case Study
Coastal Systems and Landscapes - Sand Dune Succession and Saltmarsh succession
Population and the Environment - Food Production, Soil types and problems.
Creating a biodiverse school environment helps inspire students to be able to discuss the biggest problems for the planet, the future of our planet, what we can do to save the planet.