Key Stage Three
Biodiversity can link in with the Key Stage Three curriculum for science, French and geography. Some examples of how implementation of our projects could link to teaching are outlined below.
In KS3, the science curriculum includes topics such as Variation and Evolution.
Creating a biodiverse school site provides many opportunities to discuss these subjects. For example:
Pond dipping to investigate the adaptations of aquatic invertebrates to their environment.
Growing wildflowers, to discuss how they have evolved various adaptations, such as flower shape and colour to attract different types of pollinators.
Installing different types of bird feeders and watching the variety of birds which use them to encourage discussions about adaptations of birds to their environment and food sources.
In Y8, students consider what we can do to help the environment.
Creating a biodiverse school environment helps inspire students to be able to discuss the biggest problems for the planet, the future of our planet, what we can do to save the planet. Even in another language!
Year 8 includes a unit which covers sustainability and nature.
Year 9 includes learning about biodiversity in Tropical Rainforests.
Creating a biodiverse school site provides many opportunities to discuss these subjects.
Undertaking projects to increase biodiversity within school grounds gives students practical experience and understanding of how their actions can contribute towards helping to find solutions to wider issues facing our planet.