Manage Hedgerows for Wildlife
Difficulty rating
It may be possible to manage hedgerows in a more wildlife friendly way as part of existing maintenance of your school grounds.
Indicative Costs
This activity can be part of existing maintenance operations within the school grounds, and may not cost any more than usual hedgerow management costs.
Cut existing hedgerows on a three-year rotational system.
Divide hedgerows into thirds, and cut each section once every three years in turn.
If possible, cut different sides on alternate years to retain at least some of the fruit and fruiting wood each year. This will encourage diversity in each hedgerow and provide a variety of cover for different species throughout the year.
Avoid the bird nesting season from March – August inclusive.
Avoid using chemical fertilisers or pesticides.
Provide habitat for birds, insects, hedgehogs and bats.
Check hedgerows annually to identify any gaps or dead/diseased plants.
Replace any dead/diseased plants.
Plant and leaf-litter provide places for invertebrates to overwinter, and nesting material for hedgehogs, so leave some non-diseased prunings around the base of the hedgerows.