Wildlife pond
Difficulty rating
Suitable space
Pond liner
Variety of native aquatic plants, suitable for different depths in your pond
Large rocks
Builder’s sand
Indicative Costs
Pond liner = the pricing changes larger depending on which you buy, it can cost from £0.30-£7.40 per square foot
Plants = range from £5. Ponds can also be left to colonise naturally.
Builders sand = £3 for large bag
You can build a pond at any time of year.
Choose a sunny spot and mark out the space for your pond.
Dig the area inside marked space (include a gently sloping beach area to provide wildlife with an easy way out).
Remove sharp stones which could damage the liner.
Add a 5cm thick layer of sand.
Dig a trench around the edge of the pond for the overhanging liner.
Place the liner, tuck the edges in the trench, trim excess and weigh down with rocks.
Fill the bottom with the remaining sand.
Ideally, allow to fill with rain water or use a hose.
As it fills, cover edges with soil and do not leave the pond liner exposed
Add native plants after 1-2 weeks - or leave to colonise naturally.
Place stones, logs and plants around the edges to create habitats for wildlife. Let areas grow wild to provide shelter and food sources.
A wildlife pond creates valuable habitat for amphibians, invertebrates and other animals. They are a great way to attract wildlife to your school grounds.
They can provide a useful teaching aid for science topics, including activities such as pond dipping to identify aquatic invertebrates using the pond.
Initially, monitor to prevent overgrowth of plants - usually no more than 1/3 should be cleared at a time.
Blanket weed can be carefully removed using a stick.
Leave any removed plant material or dead organic matter by the side of the pond for 24 hours to allow any wildlife to re-enter the pond.
Once established, maintenance can be minimal.